The start of the New Year is an exciting time. You’re probably bursting with determination to make a fresh start on at least a couple of fronts. At the top of your list should be the eminently doable resolution to make an appointment with your dentist for a thorough checkup.
Most dentists recommend twice-yearly dental visits for cleaning and examination, and January and July offer two easily remembered milestones to mark in your calendar. By visiting your dentist every six months, any problem that may develop won’t have more than six months to advance and will be easier — and less costly — to address.
During a cleaning, your dentist or the hygienist will remove accumulated plaque and tartar from your teeth. Keeping your gumline clear of this buildup significantly reduces the likelihood of developing periodontal disease. Periodontal disease is the leading cause of tooth loss for adults. Remember that your oral health is an essential component of your overall health. Also, when the process is completed, your teeth and mouth will feel clean and fresh.
If you, your family, or friends need dental care, we would be honored to provide you with state-of-the-art dental care in our modern dental practice. Refer someone you love to someone you trust!
Presented as a service to the community by Doctors Hoover and Yanda, 39 Milford Drive, Hudson, Ohio 44236. 330-650-0360.