Despite the impact tooth decay can have on your teeth if left unattended, dental caries or cavities are largely preventable with a proper oral hygiene regimen. This includes regular dental checkups in order to identify pre-existing conditions before they lead to more serious issues down the road. The earlier a dental professional can spot the signs of poor oral hygiene, such as a buildup of plaque, the better your chances at preventing dental caries and gum problems from ever occurring in the first place.
A few recommendations a dentist might make include:
Brushing your teeth twice a day for at least two minutes, using a rinse, paste, or gel that contains fluoride. The fluoride will help reduce the production of acid that can damage your teeth.
Flossing regularly after brushing, especially if you’re frequently eating or drinking sugary foods or drinks. Certain foods high in sugar can provide a consistent supply of damaging acid to the tooth’s hard tissues. Flossing once or twice a day can help you remove food particles from the hard-to-reach areas between your teeth that you might miss while brushing.
If you, your family or friends need dental care, we would be honored to provide you with state-of-the-art dental care in our modern dental practice. Refer someone you love to someone you trust!
Presented as a service to the community by Doctors Hoover and Yanda,
39 Milford Drive, Hudson, Ohio 44236. 330-650-0360.