Q: How often should I have my teeth cleaned?
A: The short answer is “that depends”. It depends upon your particular dental needs. Some people are born with a high susceptibility to tooth decay or gum disease. Some people build up hard deposits on their teeth very quickly. Those people must see their dentist more frequently for professional examinations and cleanings. Most people require professional cleanings every six months, but again, some need it more often. Professional cleaning is necessary because no matter how diligent you are in brushing and flossing at home, there’s no way you will be able to reach every nook, cranny, and fissure where plaque can accumulate and harden into tartar.
The dentist’s office has the instruments that can effectively get into those small spaces. They are also educated in recognizing oral problems before you notice them. The earlier issues are diagnosed, the easier and less costly it is to correct them.
If you, your family, or friends need dental care, we would be honored to provide you with state-of-the-art dental care in our modern dental practice. Refer someone you love to someone you trust!
Presented as a service to the community by Doctors Hoover and Yanda,
39 Milford Drive, Hudson, Ohio 44236. 330-650-0360.